Remote Desktop Connections

In order to connect to a Windows machine from remote locations, the Remote Desktop Client is used. In order to make a sucessful connection, the host computer must be configured to allow incoming Remote Desktop connections. This can be done by anyone with administrative privileges to the host computer; ask an ITS or SOE LITS employee for assistance if you do not have administrative access. If the host computer is configured properly, it is possible to connect to it using a Remote Desktop Client.

On Windows Computers

Connecting with Windows Remote Desktop Client now requires use of the SOE VPN.  Before going any further in these instructions, you should make sure that you've set up your VPN account and can successfully connect to the VPN.

If you will be accessing the computer from a Windows machine, the Remote Desktop Client is accessible by going to the Start Menu -> Programs -> Accessories -> Remote Desktop Connection. Opening Remote Desktop Connection, you should see a text box with the prompt "Computer". In this box, type the address of the host machine. For example, let's say the work computer's host name is FOO and that it is on the SOE network. Type the address and click the "Connect" box. This will open a remote connection to the computer and will give you a login prompt.

Note that when connecting to a Windows machine your user name will need to be entered in the following format in order for you to authenticate:


On Apple Computers

If you will be accessing the computer from an Apple machine, the Remote Desktop Client may not be installed. If it is installed, you can find it by opening the Finder and looking at the list under Applications. If it is not there, you can download it at Upon opening the Remote Desktop Client, you should see a text box with the prompt "Computer". In this box, type the address of the host machine. For example, let's say the work computer's host name is FOO and that it is on the SOE network. Type the address and click the "Connect" box. This will open a remote connection to the computer and will give you a login prompt.

This is the basic way of initiating a remote desktop session. From this session you can work as if you were sitting in front of the host computer, though it may be less responsive since there is added latency.

Note that when connecting to a Windows machine your user name will need to be entered in the following format in order for you to authenticate:


On Linux Computers (or just wishing to get a Linux desktop from Windows or Mac)

Linux systems at BSOE cannot be connected to with a Windows Remote Desktop client, but getting a remote desktop is possible via the NoMachine or x2go clients.

There is an NX server running on and you can configure freenx or NoMachine clients to access it remotely.  This allows you to run and display graphical X11 programs hosted on our Linux systems. You can download the NoMachine client from here and most Linux distributions include the freenx client in their standard package repositories.