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Who Gets a BSOE Account?
- Faculty, staff and graduate students affiliated with Baskin Engineering.
- Undergrads taking a senior-thesis, independent-study, or graduate level Baskin Engineering course. Undergrads must be registered for the quarter and enrolled in one of the these classes.
- Post-doctorate and visiting lecturers affiliated with Baskin Engineering.
- Guests working with a Baskin Engineering faculty or staff requiring resources only available on Baskin Engineering servers.
How Do I Apply for a BSOE Account?
- To create a new BSOE account, please complete the on-line account form. Accounts are approved electronically by your account sponsor, who is usually a faculty adviser or a Baskin Engineering staff member.
- If you need sudo or Windows administrator access to a computer or server, you will also need to fill out an Administrative Access Request Form.
How Long Do BSOE Accounts Last?
- Faculty accounts must be renewed every 10 years. Staff accounts must be renewed every 5 years. All other accounts are renewed by the account sponsor annually.
- All users will be given at least two weeks prior notice via e-mail of account closure.
Which Servers Are Accounts Given On?
Where can I edit my directory information, set my shell, sponsor accounts, etc?