Google Apps

The BSOE has had its own Google Apps domain for some time now, predating the campus domain.  However, now that the UCSC Google Apps domain exists we are in the process of migrating users to services hosted in that domain instead of our own.  Beginning on 6/1/14 we stopped provisioning BSOE Google Apps accounts for new users and we have been working towards a full migration to the campus domain.

If you are still primarily using your BSOE Google Apps account, please consider contacting the BSOE IT staff in order to get help migrating your data.  Instructions are available for migrating your Google Calendar events as well as your GMail contacts and a mail migration tool is in the works, which will automatically move your mail.

If you have any questions about the migration plans or more immediate questions about specific Google Services, please open a ticket for the BSOE IT staff by e-mailing